Presenting a Biblical response by concerned former Seventh-day Adventists to the Sabbath School Bible Study Guide.

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Commentary on "The Widow of Zarephath: The Leap of Faith"



Day 1: Sabbath Afternoon, December 4, 2010 - Introduction


Learning ouline: (Quoted from Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Oct. Nov. Dec. 2010, page 127)

  1. Know: At the Bottom
    • The widow was at the end of her resources, and so was Elijah when God brought them together. How did they serve each other, and how did this affect the growth of their faith?
  2. Feel: Enough Faith to Be Generous
    • Though faced with death, the widow still was generous enough to share with a stranger what she believed was the last meal she was able to provide for her son and herself. What assurance did Elijah give along with his request for her food?
    • How does God assure us when He asks us to act on His requests?
  3. Do: Acting in Faith
    • What has God asked you to do that requires stepping into unknown and potentially life-threatening territory
    • What assurances of God’s care do you rest on?


This week’s lesson examines faith. It begins with one of the greatest guarantees in the Bible. “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6)



As I read the introduction I began to experience hope that someone within Adventism truly understands faith and that this lesson would be an important stepping stone for many church members. Alas, the statement at the end of the introduction and the Learning Outline quoted above provided expected Adventist teaching.

Here is the final sentence: “This week we see the great controversy between God and Satan played out in miniature in the life of an unnamed widow who chooses God and is led step by step into a journey of faith.” (Adult Teachers Sabbath School Bible Study Guide, Oct. Nov. Dec. 2010, Page 125)

First, there is no controversy between God and Satan. Certainly, Satan has made accusations and asserted his own feeble attempts to be god, but this so-called controversy is equivalent to the difference between a cap gun and a nuclear weapon. In short, it is not worth talking about. The Adventist church gives Satan way too much credit and Jesus far too little.

It is no wonder that faith is so hard for them. They have no assurance of forgiveness and, therefore, no assurance of salvation. Their “savior” is described as having a sinful nature. They try to keep The Law, and yet break every commandment by making an idol of the fourth. Their view of End Times is hopeless. Their approach to judgment is even worse. How could anyone walk by faith while holding to the Adventist belief system?

Second, the Overview above demonstrates this. Look at Point #2 – “Feel: Enough Faith to Be Generous.” Faith has nothing whatever to do with feelings! Faith is all about facts, the unshakable truth of Who Jesus is and what He has accomplished.

Look at the first sub-point under #3 – “What has God asked you to do that requires stepping into unknown and potentially life-threatening territory?” A legalist always assumes life-threatening requests from God, things huge and dangerous that must be done to prove one’s self. This also is not true.

The hardest thing God asks us to do is rest in Jesus’ finished work. This is not life-threatening, but life-giving. It is perhaps the smallest, yet most important, act of faith any of us will ever perform.

The work of God in the lives of Elijah and the widow of Zarephath is a worthwhile study, and the Adventist quarterly makes some good points, but the Adventist positions on sin, salvation, law and grace, faith, and works result in confusion rather than clarity.



  1. Philippians 1:6 is a wonderful verse to use as the anchor for a lesson on faith.
  2. Seventh-day Adventist theology belies that verse.
  3. There is much we can learn from Elijah and the widow.




Copyright 2010 All rights reserved. November 15, 2010. This website is published by Life Assurance Ministries, Glendale, Arizona, USA, the publisher of Proclamation! Magazine. Contact email:

The Sabbath School Bible Study Guide and the corresponding E.G. White Notes are published by Pacific Press Publishing Association, which is owned and operated by the Seventh-day Adventist church. The current quarter's editions are pictured above.


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